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School of Visionaries

School of Visionaries
Fee: $500US

The School of Visionaries creates short term courses for people seeking to discover, prepare and execute a transformational vision from God.

Visioneering is a combination of the concepts of vision and engineering. It is the process of making a vision/dream a reality, building a concept into a walkable application.

Our programmes and courses unlock the best version in people and empower them to manifest God’s vison for their life. They are based on two core philosophies from the scriptures:

1. Matthew 5:13-14 - You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its savor, with what shall it be salted? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and to be trodden underfoot by men. You are the light of the world.

A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

2. Matthew 5:15-16 - Nor do men light a lamp and put it under the grain-measure, but on a lampstand. And it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.


Every life vision from God, when successfully manifested will have a salt and light effect in a sphere of influence
Salt and light is a powerful metaphor describing transformational influence and leadership

Each module comes with a workbook or text book covering the subject material.

This includes The 12 Spheres of Leadership book by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Andre Thomas.




7 Principles of
Commonwealth Leadership

God is The Creator and Model of Leadership
Leadership and Teamwork
Your Sphere of Influence
God’s Leadership Ideology
Ideas and Solutions
Leadership Wisdom
The Greatness of a Nation


Discovering your
Leadership Assignment

Let There Be Light
The Hope of Your Calling
Great Discoveries
Acquired Wisdom vs Innate Wisdom
Innate Intelligence
My Leadership Assignment Profile


Preparing for your
Leadership Assignment

Stages of Destiny
The Wilderness Path
Developing Christ In You
Developing the Gift in You
Preparing for Your Role
Phases of Destiny


Executing your
Leadership Assignment

 The Season of Manifestation
Focusing on the Assignment
Execution Relationships
Phases of Execution
Execution Mistakes
Passion to Complete the Assignment

Discovering Your Leadership Assignment (Wide) (1).png

Who Should Attend?

Every person wanting to discover and unwrap the uncommon gifts on the inside of them.
Every person who wants to learn to take God given visions and concepts to reality.
Every person who wants to learn to fulfil their God given destiny.
Every person who wants to become a change agent and serve solutions to the nations.
Every person who is tired of the status quo and wants to mine the goal on the inside of them. Benefits
You will learn principals that great achievers use to take their ideas from concept to reality.
You will receive the impartation of the spirit of wisdom for your destiny.
You will network with fellow visionaries and build relationships for greater achievements.

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